Who does not want to be a CEO, right? Being the head of a prestigious company and the front face of the company can be exciting. But, there are various sacrifices involved in climbing this ladder in the corporate world. In this article, we will look at the top 10 traits of a CEO
Everyone wants to be a CEO, but they fail to understand the cost of this position. Consistent hard work, working long hours and making risky decisions every day are some of the many responsibilities of a CEO.
How can a company identify an employee who can become the CEO of the company? How can they find the right employees and prepare them for this crucial position?
Well! There are some of the traits found in many successful CEO.
1) Strong Leadership
Strong leadership is crucial to leading the workforce of the company. Without a strong and decisive leader, the company would fall apart. The consequential decisions would get delayed. That would give wrong signals about the company’s reputation. As the backbone of the company, the CEO needs to be resilient. This way, he would be able to foresee the challenges and lay down plans for the company’s survival in this competitive corporate world.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Observe the behavior and the work ethics of the employees:
The person should not be motivated by fame, money, or status. Rather, they should be humble and decisive even if few people agree. However, they should be open-minded while correcting themselves.
- Have a way around any problem:
Problem-solving skills are crucial as a CEO has to deal with internal and external problems. A person who is open to finding solutions rather than giving up is a potential candidate for this position.
2) Learning From Past Mistakes
Even CEOS are human, right? They are more likely to make blunders because of the amount of work and stress they have to deal with every time. But, a CEO should actively try to learn a lesson from their past mistakes. A CEO should be an observer. Every decision of the CEO affects the company very supremely. So, they should actively work on improving themselves.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Acknowledging the mistake
To correct a mistake, the person should have the guts to accept their flaws. Humans are prone to imperfections. But, blaming others is not a good idea. Without acknowledging it, they would not be able to learn from their mistakes.
2. Analyzing the mistake
Rather than turning the pages of their mistakes, the person should actually put effort to work on the problem. They should be able to find a way out of the problem. Without doing so, they may make the same mistake again, in the future.
3) Inspiring Loyalty
Loyalty is a trait that could save millions of dollars if employees are loyal. Employees get inspired by their leaders. So, the CEO of the company should be loyal to the company values. They should be able to motivate their employees, build a proper workforce and act responsibly for their decision in any case.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- The person inspires others
A person must be able to help anyone in need professionally. That way, the employees in the workspace would take the advice of their leader seriously. Thus, the potential candidate should never find something for themselves while helping others.
2. The person is a good communicator
A leader should have the ability to communicate their ideas to their team. Involving your team member in discussions and not taking all credit for their hard work is crucial. They should not take advantage of their position and authority in any way.
4) Realistic Goals
It is very demotivating for the company employees if the target set by the leaders is unrealistic. It is necessary for a CEO to assign manageable goals to employees. Inability to do so may result in the employees preferring quantity over quality.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Thinks from the shoe of employees
It is quite easy for the leaders to assign tasks to the employees without considering the workload. A true leader would always assign targets with the allocated time suitable for the completion of the task by employees.
2. Checking statistics
A leader should have the proper statistics of their employees or team member, so they know the ability of the people they are working with. Talking with the people under their leadership is essential before assigning tasks
5) Strong Communication Skills
In any position, communication is essential. It is important for a person not only to be good at talking but also to be able to actively listen. That is more important than throwing orders at your employees. Thus, a CEO should have the ability to communicate their company goals and plans clearly.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Genuine kindness towards the people
A leader must provide value to their team member or employees. Dealing with them fairly and kindly when approaching is vital. People value those who show fairness.
2. Implementing feedback
Implementing feedback makes people feel valued in an organization. A leader should be open to opinions and be prepared to implement them.
6) Thinking Out Of The Box
A CEO must have the ability to see things from different angles. Rather than finding traditional solutions, they should be different from others. Their solutions should be cost-effective and should provide value to their audience.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Accountability behavior
This kind of behavior keeps you in an active position. Potential leaders focus on taking action about an event rather than clinging to bad decisions.
2. Curious personality
A leader is someone who never considers themselves an expert. Instead, their lives revolve around the learning environment. They can think creatively because of that.
7) Respectful Towards Others
A CEO should always show respect to their employees, clients, and customers. It is easier to feel arrogant once people start recognizing your talent. But, it is essential to remain respectful around the people. A leader should always take advice from the employees on internal matters of the business, even if they are from a lower hierarchy level.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Willingness to change
Everyone respects a leader who is willing to change. A rigid leader who does not have flexibility in their work environment is considered weak. So, the potential candidate should always know how to take criticism without having their ego block them out.
2. Being an implementor
It is easy for a leader to deliver orders in a company, but is hard to implement. Thus a leader should have the ability to step up to discuss their blunders as well. Instead of blaming, a leader should focus on putting an end to the hardships, while respecting others’ views.
8) Being Open To Opinions
A CEO should know when it is the time to get opinions from an expert. They should not consider the process of consultation as an unpleasant thing. Instead, they should be willing to even pay for the advice if it could improve their decision-making.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Good at taking criticism
If a CEO does not respect their advisers and never consider their opinion, they are pushing themselves towards vulnerability to more mistakes. Thus, the potential candidate should always work on improving themselves, even with their rival’s suggestions.
2. Having question and answer sessions
A CEO needs to indulge their audience with active learning. That means answering questions after the presentations would encourage the learning environment. Thus, a potential candidate should not feel shy when answering questions. They must not discourage criticism from the juniors as well.
9) Strategic Mindset
A CEO who could envision a future is more likely to reach there than a non-visionary leader. A leader may not have a firm pursuit in the technical part. But, he should have the capability to lay down a starting point for their empire.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- Keeping a score
The CEO should have a way to record what they have achieved and what is pending. Analyzing their goal each day and impending it with experience is a trait of a successful CEO.
2. Celebrate success
A good leader knows when to celebrate success and to work on the flaws. A leader needs to motivate their employees and reward them for their hard work. This way, they would improve the quality of the work in the company.
10) Focus On Business Goals
A proper plan of work each day makes A PERSON more productive. The CEO knows how their day is going to be and are disciplined to accomplish them. They value their company’s reputation and strive to work hard in executing them, even if the stakeholders of the company lose hope.
How Do You Identify This Trait?
- A CEO is a discipline.
Rather than relying on motivation, a CEO is disciplined and consistent enough to follow up the goals. They know their company’s values and work towards achieving them.
2. Always be ready to work on the goals.
A CEO has to deal with several crises frequently. So, a CEO should always focus on the ethics and value of their company. They should give priority to the goals of the company.
There are many qualities a CEO possesses. Amongst them, some of the successful traits found in many CEOs of multinational companies are mentioned above. A journey to this position can be tough and stressful. Motivation and passion are necessary to cross this journey. Rather than giving up, potential CEOs must work on honing their skills and being up for any challenge they may witness.